Skating Manhattan Streets

 "Motion is a kind of change, and change takes place in time. Motion can be implied as well as literal..." (Lupton, Graphic Design)

The concept of motion is not something I typically apply in my art. I typically capture very still moments in time. This week's prompt took me out of my comfort zone and I really like the results that came about from this. I referenced an image and created 'Skating Manhattan Streets'.

Skating Manhattan Streets

I attempted to represent the time of day by accentuating the shadows cast by the cars, the skateboard, and the person. This art implies motion because one foot is up in the air while one rests on the board as they are moving forward in the street. The perspective in this image is coming from behind the person, also presumably in motion. This image captures an interactive action of skating in motion during an afternoon. 

The movement is also apparent in the clothes, showing the folds in the jacket as the arms are swishing back and forth for balance. The slight lean to the right side on their body while they are cruising also makes the motion aspect more prominent. 

The post on my Instagram shows this entire painting, along with the reference image. The reference image provides a contrast between art and reality. It is also a more narrow perspective through the lens of the camera. The painting captures more than the reference image reveals. Pictured below as well to provide a visual change to the viewer. I enjoy seeing the reference images for art. I think it provides more context to the artistic choice that was made along with aspects such as time and motion. 

Reference Image

As always, my images will be linked to their respective Instagram post. I appreciate you tuning in to my blog for yet another week. Thanks for supporting me.


  1. When I saw your first image, the recreated version of the photo, I thought that the motion of the skater could be portrayed differently? Motion in skating is a lot easier captured if we saw the foot swinging up or something. As your quote states though, maybe the motion is in the change of day over the actual skater though! Loved the piece!


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