It's coming full circle

 Looking back at the 10 weeks, I believe I expressed fragments of my identity in each work of art. At the beginning of the term, I desired for each blog post of mine to serve as a piece of myself and a connection to my reader. I wanted my reader to feel as though I am talking directly to them about the art I created. In each post, I explained how I went about creating the art, what the significance of the art is, and what new techniques I implemented in the piece.  All that, while adding a dash of myself into the mix to always have it remain personable, just like happy mail. 

Here is a collage of all the art I've posted on this blog thus far:

I like how the app pic collage has this collage feature which frames and adds a shadow to each photo I added. It makes each artwork pop because "A picture frame sets off a work of art from its surroundings, bringing attention to the work and lifting it apart from its setting." (Lupton, Graphic Design) I thought this would be the perfect way to highlight each photo I've uploaded on this blog for this week. It brings everything I've done so far full circle.

It's coming full circle

I learned new techniques in digital design and implemented them in my art in different ways. Some techniques, I definitely struggled with executing; however, some techniques I was truly surprised by the execution and results. The culmination of my art throughout this term has really allowed me to grow and explore different techniques while developing my style throughout the term. I've gained valuable experience and a good amount of dynamic artworks under my belt because of this term. The only way to continue improving is to continue practicing and doing -- staying on the train. If you know, you know!

I've really enjoyed seeing the progress I've made throughout this term. I'm thankful to have been able to connect with many of you during such a unique time in our lives through digital design. Y'all have added fragments and ideas into my mind, knowing or unknowingly, and I'm carrying that with me moving forward in life and so are you. I am grateful this class has been a safe space for all of us to grow and be creative in a safe space. Continue creating and stay on your train!

Thanks for the fantastic term. I'm signing off for now, but maybe I'll revisit this blog. Who knows?

If you'd like to help me stay on my train, check out my Ko-Fi or Patreon.

Warmly, Nia.

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